For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
- Ephesians 2:10
Looking back on my journey, I realize how God trained me for writing as I volunteered and read to children of all ages at the Silver Lake Elementary School library while my daughter was a student there. I found great joy in seeing the excitement and intrigue on their faces as the written words came to life.
My mother, who had a flair for writing herself, suggested I write a book, and that's when a flicker of excitement touched my soul. I prayed, "If it be Your Will, God, give me the words". The next morning I awoke with the title, The Well, the main character, Nicci, and the first five chapters in my head. And so the journey began. It took me seven years to complete the trilogy. During that time, I delighted in speaking to school children about the books and God's purpose for their lives. The biggest joy was giving the glory to God in all He's done with my writing. He was the Author, I was simply His pen.
When that chapter of my life ended, my new purpose was caring for my elderly parents with dementia. There was still a tiny flicker of desire burning inside me to write, but the Lord had taken away the words. It was not my time to write, it was my time to focus on them. I trusted God to have already written the next chapter of my life when this season of giving is over.
The desire to complete Angels of El Roi, my fourth novel for young adults which sat on the shelf for 10 years during my caregiving journey, reignited during the last year of my father's life. The words and creativity once again began to flow, and I was able to publish it in December 2024. I know in my heart that the lessons I learned throughout that decade were for a purpose bigger than I can ever imagine. Perhaps God has another book in mind, for everything we do is a training for what is yet to come, all for the glory of God.
The most encouraging part of any new journey is knowing God is in charge of my life and He will lead me to places I never thought possible to go. I trust Him with my life-day by day, hour by hour, every minute by fleeting minute, until my purpose has come to an end. For it is only by His grace that I have the wisdom to choose the right path to follow, the courage to take yet another step, and the assurance of never having to travel alone. I am blessed to be able to take the hand of the Author of my life as He gently leads me down the path He has chosen for me, and I am grateful for those He has allowed to walk with me along the way. Anything accomplished along the path of my life is all for the glory of God, who guides me and instructs me, and then sits back to see what I will do!
With each new day, God grants me a chance to fulfill new dreams, create new hopes and point to the Savior who already knows the ending of my story. There is peace in knowing God is in control, and my name is written in His Book of Life.
They are page turners and have a great message. It is so nice to have positive works of literature for our children...
Lake Center Christian School, Hartville, Ohio
It's nice to read a good story about faith and hope-there can never be enough of that in our lives...
Sharon, Chino Hills, CA
I shed a few tears while reading it..
Dick, Mechanicsville, VA
I couldn't put it down and finished in one sitting. I just had to find out the ending...
Sue Wells, Author of "Spiritual Boot Camp"
I read it and loved it, and used it for a book project at school..
Sarah, New York
I’ve been married to Joe for 32 smooth, swift years. He is very supportive of anything I choose to pursue, including my writing or job decisions. Team work and respect for each other's differences contributed to the success of our marriage and in raising our daughter, Christy.
Balance is the key...
what one may lack, the other provides.
Christy has blossomed into a beautiful young woman, full of creativity, curiosity, and hates to be bored. She has proudly achieved a BA in Interior Design and Masters of Architecture from Kent State University. What a wonderful life she leads with endless opportunities to make a beautiful difference in this world, one building at a time!
Christy has blossomed into a beautiful young woman, full of creativity, curiosity, and hates to be bored. She has proudly achieved a BA in Interior Design and Masters of Architecture from Kent State University. What a wonderful life she leads with endless opportunities to make a beautiful difference in this world, one building at a time!
Christy was my inspiration for "Nicci" in The Well, and she graces the front cover of Rachel's Journey”.
We couldn't be happier to have gained our wonderful son-in-law, Matt, to love and care for our beautiful, sweet daughter. I pray God will bless their lives even more abundantly than He has blessed mine with love, joy,
peace, patience,
kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness
self control.
Vynsie, a beautiful black greyhound with white paws, is the newest member of our family. She was born September 17, 2014, and raced in Florida until the age of 3. She was transferred to Ohio where she was adopted by Matt and Christy in June 2018.
Being kennel raised, Vynsie had to be taught to-
play and fetch, which she still is not very good at,
climb stairs, which she takes four at a time,
and sliding glass doors cannot be walked through,
which are now full of stickers so she knows the door is closed!
Now she is living the life of a puppy princess..
with soft beds and blankets, raincoats and snow boots,
a basket full of toys
and endless treats and fresh fruit snacks to motivate her every move.
God has indeed blessed this beautiful girl with the
love and nurturing she deserves from Christy and Matt,
and her adoring grand-dog-parent,
Joe and Becky.
Cloe was a cherished member of our family for 16 years.
She loved pasta, cheese, and unzipping purses to obtain gum and mints and anything chocolate. In her younger years, she loved to frolic in the snow and swim in the pool with Christy.
Now when I see a swirl in the clouds, I know she is causing havoc in the heavens while doing her Bichon Buzz.. Rest in Peace, little one.
Sweet little Cloe Bee Marie Scaglione
4-13-99 to 9-5-15